Monday, January 19, 2015

The Gym This Morning

So I went to the club house gym this morning and I seriously had to earn every stride I did. So I go the elliptical and started moving the pedals. It took everything I had just to get this thing moving. So I turn the machine on and it is set at the lowest setting this thing has and I couldn't believe it. So I find a program to do regardless of the fact that I am working hard to even move and the one that looked the least intimidating is the rolling hills. It is set for 20 minutes because that is all the time you can have on this machine. So I start into and like 3 minutes goes by and my legs are on fire. I was sweating buckets 5 minutes into this workout just trying to get this machine to move. So I said I need to at least make it to 10 minutes before I get off this machine maybe this machine needs to warm up before it loosens up a bit. 10 minutes goes by and I am at the top of the highest rolling hill and I say to myself well I came this far and I only have one more rolling hill to go and it is smaller then this last one.  So by now I am drenched in sweat legs are burning and 16 minutes into this my feet start to go numb and my calves are on fire. But I still pushed on I was not about to let this machine beat me. The machine beeps and 20 minutes is up and I am every so thankful to get off this machine. I felt like I had just hiked up a mountain and I was completely out of breath. I look down to see how far I went and it said I had only gone .62 miles. I wanted to cry because normally when I get on an elliptical machine after 20 minutes I am already on my way to almost 2 miles. So I went and biked for 6.5 miles just to get feeling back in my toes and loosen up my calves and thighs because they were on fire from the elliptical.

The gym has 2 elliptical's and 3 treadmills, 2 recumbent bikes, 1 up right bike and 2 weight machines. I think next time I will try the other elliptical machine.

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