About Me

I have three cute boys who are very active. A wonderful husband who is supportive and helps keep me motivated. I started my weight loss journey 3 years ago after I had my last son. It all started after my husband took a picture of me from behind while we were hiking I was mortified.

I cried but I knew how I had gotten there. I gain 60 pounds with my first son Jamison I ended up on bed rest the last 2months of pregnancy I didn’t exercise like I should have nobody made a big deal out if. 3 months after having my first son I was pregnant with my second son Tyson, he was a surprise I was on birth control; anyways I gained another 40 pounds and I still didn’t work out and I was on bed rest yet again at the end of my pregnancy.  After that I was too busy being a more worry about everybody else but myself. When Tyson was a year old I got a job working the grave yard shift at the hospital I gained 20 pounds from working the night shift not getting any sleep and eating a lot of sugar and caffeinated beverages will do that to you, but for me it was the only way to stay away. I had been working there for 2 ½ years and got pregnant with my third son I worked until I was 7 months pregnant. I only gain 7 pounds with Kona. After having Kona and see pictures of myself I decided it was time for me to take care of me. So I bought myself an elliptical machine.
I used it faithfully for 2 years and lost 2 pants sizes just using this machine. I use it until it didn’t run any longer and then I joined the gym woke up every morning at 5:30 and went to the GYM faithfully for 10 months and then I moved to far away from the gym to go. I did a Biggest Loser competition at the gym with my cousins and sister. I lost 18 pounds. I also started running 5k’s that year so far I have done 4.

Since I could no longer go to the gym I decided I need so have some kind of cardio to do at home and that’s when I bought an elliptical machine from a coworker.

In September of last year a friend asked if I want to do a diet competition with her and I said sure. I got the information and that is when I learned all about THE GAME ON DIET! I have continued to play it every since after reading the book it made complete since to me and now it is just a part of my life. In February of this year my mother in-law introduced me to the PINK METHOD I love this plan to it is similar to the game on diet but it comes with workout DVD’s and I enjoy doing them as well. Now that I have moved yet again for the past 6 months I have been hiking on my treadmill, biking on an upright bike and my mountain bike, I go outside and run occasionally and doing the pink method DVD’s.

I measure and weigh every Sunday. This Sunday marked that I had lost a total of 50 inches all over since I started this journey 3 years ago. I strive everyday to be a better me; I am hoping that one day I will have reached my goals I have set out to obtain.

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